
The brief

Misfits wanted to drive trial, awareness and education of Misfits Health plant-based protein bars, by creating engaging sampling experiences in offices. The end goal was to capture consumer feedback on the products, and increase Misfits rate of sale in brick and mortar stores.

The solution

We targeted offices within a short walk of Misfits’ supermarket stores, and where the highest share of employees matched their target audience profile. The sampling was focused in key cities for increased local store support, and created immersive and relevant experiences in each office by distributing the bars during key snacking occasions (Elevenses and the after-lunch slump, you know the drill).

The bars were delivered to participating offices in branded boxes, enhancing the brand experience from the moment of arrival. Branded posters, leaflets and campaign microsite ensured Misfits was the talk of the office during the activation. Finally, to drive sales, employees were provided with step-by-step directions from their office to nearest store, ensuring the activation had the best chance of helping Misfits support their brick and mortar retailers.

Misfits Case Study - Workplace Sampling
Misfits Case Study - Workplace Sampling 2
Misfits Office Sampling displaying several women enjoying their bar in an office
Misfits Case Study - Workplace Sampling 3

The results

0 %

revenue increase in stores supported by the campaign

85,000 bars were sampled across 300+ offices, within a 6 minute average walking time to Misfits’ supermarket stores. 84% of consumers enjoyed the product, with Misfits seeing a 52% revenue increase in stores supported by the campaign. These guys definitely aren’t misfits around here.

Average walk to nearest store
0 min
enjoyed their sample 84%
78% trying for the first time

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